Material Science Group

Dr. Nawazish Ali Khan


Major Research Facilities:

  • Multipal furnaces for the fabication of bulk samples; Deposition of thin films by resistive heating, close space sublimation and rf-sputtering.
  • X-ray Diffractometer, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and dielectric properties measurements, infield magnetic measurements upto 1.2Tesla of


  • Experimental Superconductivity: The main objective of this laboratory is understandings of mechanism high Tc superconductivity; Co-existence of anti-ferromagnetism and superconductivity in oxide superconductors; study of phonon modes and correlation with superconducting properties; excess conductivity analysis of conductivity data; dielectric measurements of superconductors.
  • Fabrication of thin films solar cells: Growth of CdS/CdTe thin films solar cell and their use for commercial application.



Research Groups