PH-711 Particle Physics

  1. Relativistic quantum mechanics, Klein Gordon and Dirac equations. Pauli and Weyl representations of gamma matrices, antiparticles, Majorana representation, left and right handed particles, zitterbewung.
  2. Continuous symmetries and the Noether theorem, space reflection, time reversal, charge conjugation, and other discrete symmetries.
  3. Scattering matrix, relation to crosssections, crossing symmetry, dispersion relations, Cutkosky rules.
  4. Minimal coupling to electromagnetic field, diagrammatic perturbation theory, Ruther, Moller, and Bhabha scattering.
  5. Introduction to the gauge principle, non-abelian transformations, examples of  SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories.
  6. The parton model, deep inelastic scattering, running of the coupling constant, beta function, limitations of the perturbative approach.
  7. V-A Theory of weak interactions, beta decay, tests of C and P-violation, time reversal invariance, leptonic and semileptonic decays.
  8. Spontaneous symmetry breaking, Goldstone theorem, Higgs mechanism, standard model, experimental tests of standard model of particle physics.
  9. Neutrino oscillations, mass matrices and mixing, tests for generations beyond three.


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